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    EXPERTISE: Otus team consists of talented counselors from Ivy League and top universities in USA and Canada.
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    RELIABLE: Our guiding method is scientific, logical, and has been proven to be successful through Otus’ impressive track record.
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    GROWTH: At Otus, we focus on students’ personal development and work ethics. We teach you how to think critically, how to conduct research, and many more skills to set you up for success in the future.
  • Icon ionic-md-checkmark-circle-outline
    NETWORK: We care about your passion. With Otus’ wide professional network, we are dedicated to connecting you with the right people and the right opportunities so you can grow.
  • Icon ionic-md-checkmark-circle-outline
    HOLISTIC: Otus’ counseling service does not stop at college guidance, but goes beyond what you might initially expect. We tend to all aspects of our students’ success and well-being, from academic advice and family expectations, to interpersonal issues and mental health.
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    INTEGRITY: We value absolute honesty and integrity in the admission process, because we do not simply guide you to build a college application, but your character as well.
100 Students getting accepted to top 100 U.S. universities
80 Students getting accepted to their top 3 schools
10 Students getting full-ride scholarships
26 Average financial aid award for a student
100 Visa acceptance rate
75 Students receiving scholarships and/or financial aid
1 Otus counselor per student
37 Total grants for Otus students from 2014-2024


Harvard University

Stanford University

University of Pennsylvania

Princeton University

Yale University

Brown University

Bowdoin College

Dartmouth College

Northwestern University

Pomona College

University of California, Berkeley

University of Chicago

Otus team

Beside admission results and essays, Otus counselors always communicate with students and parents about the student's future plan, thus helping them choose the most suitable college. Furthermore, Otus mentors students utilize all resources and excel in their fields of interests.

What our students say about us


Financial aid and scholarship

We provide advisory on applying for college financial aid that suits each student’s family financial contribution. We also help high-achieving students seek and apply for merit-based scholarships from top universities.

Test scores

Otus recommends students high quality test prep resources and services for SAT/ACT, TOEFL/IELTS, etc. In addition, we help students develop a strategic plan and schedule to help them achieve their desirable scores as early as possible.

School selection

Based on student’s and their family’s goals, Otus helps choose colleges that suit their interests, academic criteria and financial situation. We understand that throughout 4 years of college, students not only study but also experience college life with faculty and friends.

Essay consulting

Otus helps students with self-awareness as well as finding ideas for main and supplement essays. We also guide students to develop and edit their essays in ways that impress admission officers.

Career orientation

At Otus, we focus on fostering students’ aspirations. Otus encourages students to nurture their passions throughout the college application process and actualize their dream careers that fit their personalities and make positive societal impacts.

Extracurricular activities consulting

Otus helps students explore their potential interests to navigate students to participate in the right activities through which they develop interpersonal skills and understand their strengths.